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AEWorks Announces the Premiere of

"A Vote Of Her Own"

A Vote of Her Own is a theatrical musical production set to debut in Knoxville, Tennessee's historic Bijou Theatre on May 30, 2020


In honor of the 100th anniversary of American Women’s voting rights,

A Vote of Her Own features a prologue and a musical number portraying - Elizabeth Avery Meriwether, Lizzie Crozier French and Anne Dallas Dudley - the characters represented in the first suffrage statue located on Market square in Knoxville.


“I love to use the character’s own words in a song. It really helps bring the story to life.” Says author Candace Corrigan.


For more information, contact Candace Corrigan

Watch a Sample Musical Number from "A Vote Of Her Own"
A Vote of Her Own 5 copy 2.jpeg

It is the mission of American Entertainment Works to create authentic entertainment arts that enrich, enlighten, educate and inspire, and to make them accessible to everyone regardless of locale or socio-economic status.




hours a week

National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences

2 to10

hours a day


NY Times / Online Poll

6.3 hours

a week

Nielsen 2014

3  hours

every day

Marketing Charts 2013

A survey found that that
Americans spend 77 hours a week with digital media. 


As a society, we’re surrounded by entertainment and we tend to overlook the effects.  From ancient Greek theater, to the thousands of works of art and music commissioned by the church, to propaganda films during WWII, to reality TV, entertainment shapes our lives, our morals and our opinions, for better or worse, in ways we seldom realize… and it’s everywhere.  

We spent almost two thirds of our waking lives exposed to some form of entertainment including TV, music, movies, social media, video games, streaming content, and untold new platforms emerging everyday.  But, far too little of that content enriches our lives.


By the time the average U.S. child starts
elementary school he or she will have
seen 8,000 murders and 10,000
acts of violence on TV. 
(New Scientist, 2007) 


According to Fortune 500, a handful of companies control 95% of all the mainstream media we’re exposed to on a daily basis.  A small group of people have the power to shape the lives and opinions of millions.

In an age where we upload a hundred hours of video to YouTube every minute – and watch a billion movies on Facebook every day…
(Reel SEO 2014) we still need more options- more quality content - and more entertainment that enriches, enlightens, educates and inspires.   

There are about a thousand studies supporting this but do we really need a study to tell us that we don’t want our daughters modeling their lives after the “Real Housewives of Sheboygan?” 



By focusing on the work and the artists creating it, instead of the bottom line AEWorks brings the entertainment arts to life.  From classic literary works adapted for new audiences – to original works created especially for us, our programs are designed to entertain because you can’t enrich, enlighten, educate and inspire if you fail to engage your audience in the first place.  

Our integrated media approach maximizes social, traditional and emerging media channels to help assure that everyone who wants quality, authentic entertainment arts has access regardless of locale or socio-economic status.  But we can’t do it without your help.

Please get involved now! 

Click the donate button on any page to arrange your tax deductible contribution. 

Thank You!

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